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Incorporate Native Plants and Replace Invasive
Non-native Plants
Factsheets - Alternatives to Invasive Plants
Speakers Bureau Topics
Native Plants in Your Garden
Ornamental Pollinator Garden is
not an Oxymoron
Invasives or Natives
What's in Your Garden - Interactive Quiz
Virginia Invasive Plant Species
VA Dept. of Conservation &
Whereas HB1998, passed by the Virginia Legislature and signed into law by Governor Youngkin in April, 2023, requires state agencies to prevent introduction of invasive species and to procure, use, and maintain native species to replace invasive species, GPMGA (as an extension of a state agency) will take steps to uphold this law. Any remaining invasive plants in GPMGA demonstration gardens will be removed and replaced as soon as possible. In addition, GPMGA encourages all our volunteers to follow the same guidance in our personal gardens. Adopted by the GPMGA Board on May 1, 2023